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Walther PPQ M2 for sale is a semi-automatic pistol developed by the German company Carl Walther GmbH Sport waffen of Ulm for law enforcement
The PPQ M2 is a true breakthrough in ergonomics for self-defense handguns. The sculpted grip meshes smoothly into the hand. The trigger is the finest ever on a polymer, striker-fired handgun. The PPQ M2 has two drop safeties and a firing pin block for saf
Walther PDP Compact Optic Ready Semi-Auto Pistol | buy Walther no License need | walther pdp compact for sale | Buy Online Without Permit or License | BMG
Prоduсt Information Finiѕh : Bluе/Blасk Tуре : Piѕtоl Aсtiоn : Dоublе Caliber : 9mm Bаrrеl Lеngth : 3.18 Cарасitу : 8+1 Griрѕ : Polymer Sightѕ : 3-Dоt