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Canadian doctor illegally administered covid shots to hundreds of infants as young as six months old
http://natural3jytxrhh5wqmpcz67yumyptr7pn2c52hppvn3vanmqzjlkryd.onion/2022-05-31-canadian-doctor-illegally-administered-covid-shots-infants.htmlMinistry of Health guidance clearly states that children under five should not get jabbed. "The Ontario Ministry of Health guidance does not permit vaccination of children under age five with any publicly funded...
Purchase Digital COVID-19 Certificate from Free Republic | DeepMarket
http://deepmar45s5hcrgogasb65htg54mlonjqdtcbxdvqbzcb7h7g3pw2iyd.onion/free-republic/impfpassfor North Macedonia Vaccination Passport for New Zealand (https://app.covid19.health.nz/) Vaccination Passport for Peru (Ministry of Health MINSA) Vaccination Passport for Fiji (https://vra.digitalfiji.gov.fj/) Vaccination Passport for...
New York governor signs psilocybin and MDMA legalization bill / Blog / DeepWeb
http://deepweb4wt3m4dhutpxpe7d7wxdftfdf4hhag4sizgon6th5lcefloid.onion/blog/newest/new-york-governor-signs-psilocybin-and-mdma-legalization-billonly after both substances are certified by federal regulators, which, given the promises of the Sanitary Service and the Ministry of Health, could happen by the end of this year. In addition, the bill also allocates state resources to...
acquisition, personal cultivation and use of which, starting from August, will no longer require special permission from the Ministry of Health. Accordingly, the recreational use of cannabis, as well as the illegal distribution and...
Cosmic Voyage - Messages from Humanity's Stellar Diaspora
http://cosmiclbou7ypgww4lcs4an3z6otqoevqk6q5jcxml7v7geqml7dlyad.onion/Relay%20station%20A-18/Four%20Hours,%20Seventeen%20Minutes.htmlaverage 30-year life span of a Kavoxian is reduced by approximately a year for every two spent in FTL, according to the Ministry of Health. We arrived at the edge of the human controlled solar system and staged at what they call the...