/g/anons make a “get well” card for RMS!
http://kfgw55ndxkdnxu42cntbm3fd7tthrxgruq4bewaxhc7iytysetmreuyd.onion/blogs/20231012_blog.htmlloli, a chuddie holding a heart for RMS, and Libbie the Cyber Oryx. The get-well-card was sent in an email to RMS, and he replied with the following message! Unfortunately the event had already transpired and ended...
AAA RICHARD MILLE RM 035 Carbon Fiber Shell | AlphaBay Market
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run --rm -v $( pwd ) :/ktg kotatoimg build-appimage Likewise, if you want a debug build then run docker run --rm -e DEBUG = 1 -v $( pwd ) :/ktg kotatoimg build-appimage Powered by Forgejo Version: 1.21.11+1...
Generating an eepsite vanity address | www.bentasker.co.uk
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4.2.人種差別は単に白人至上主義だけによるものではない ¨ Tor ProjectがRMSの解任要求に支持団体として署名 dynas 21/03/29 17:48:22 No. 54 https://rms-open-letter.github.io/ https://mastodon.social/@torproject/105951058774810209 個人的にはTor...
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Docker CLI Cheat-Sheet (Misc) - snippets.bentasker.co.uk
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-rf $AFL_TMPDIR 2>/dev/null echo " Pre: $1 ; Post: $2 " echo " Filename: $3 " read -p "Launch? (CTRL+C)" ok ; rm -rf ./___tmp___ mkdir .
Converting a Python application to a distroless container in under 15 minutes | tweedge's blog
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delete .pony.db under your home before using the new release. $rm ~/.pony.db Among new features one can now see the EXIF information of an image. Deleting tag option is also added. Get the source or rpms from here .
MeteorLight/Dockerfile at master - S.O.N.G/MeteorLight - GammaSpectra.Live Git
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How to use CURL with TOR as a proxy? - OnionLand Hosting
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is something you seem unable to do. >harming children RMS didn't harm anybody, he is an authority on computer stuff and software freedom/ethics, not social topics. The only thing you can accuse him is temporarily holding an incorrect...
Swift Package Collection Signing Using the Terminal - Joseph Duffy
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AppStream Report for Debian - soundkonverter in stretch/main
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